Abstracts & Schedule
10:45 |
Welcome |
11:00 |
Pietro Corvaja |
"Teoremi di finitezza sui biliardi ellittici" |
11:30 |
Andrea Mori |
"Hecke operators and measures on Z_p" |
12:00 |
Francesco Battistoni |
Maxima of polynomials and small regulators |
12:30 |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Sandro Bettin |
14:30 |
Giuseppe Molteni |
"Explicit bounds for a generating set of the class group (under GRH)" |
15:00 |
Gessica Alecci |
"The multiplicative inverses modulo a Fibonacci number in terms of the Zeckendorf representation" |
15:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 |
Francesco Tropeano |
"Sezioni dello schema ellittico di Legendre" |
16:30 |
Francesco Pappalardi |
"Local conditions connected with the Lang-Trotter Conjecture for primitive points" |
17:00 |
Giordano Santilli |
"The tiling problem using simple and multidimensional continued fractions" |
09:00 |
Alberto Perelli |
"Valori proibiti per il conduttore delle funzioni L di grado 2 e frazioni continue" |
09:30 |
Alessandro Zaccagnini |
"On the distribution of the digits of quotients of integers and primes" |
10:00 |
Laura Capuano |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:00 |
Ignazio Longhi |
"Distribuzioni sugli interi profiniti" |
11:30 |
Francesco Amoroso |
"A curiosity about (-1)^[e] + (-1)^[2e] + ... + (-1)^[Ne]" |
12:00 |
Giuliano Romeo |
"On the convergence and the periodicity of p–adic continued fractions" |