Pietro Corvaja - Integral points on surfaces: some open problems and recent results
Maria Valentino - Drinfeld cusp forms of prime level: structure and slopes
Francesco Pappalardi - Density related with groups of rational numbers
Francesco Veneziano - Finiteness and periodicity for β-continued fractions
Piotr Miska - On interesting subsequences of the sequence of primes
Ilaria Del Corso - Finitely generated abelian groups of units
Emiliano Torti - On the level raising of cuspidal eigenforms modulo prime powers
Francesco Amoroso - Covolume, units, regulator
Daniele Mastrostefano - A lower bound for the variance of generalized divisor functions in arithmetic progressions
Marc Munsch - Minimizing GCD sums and applications
Laura Paladino - Local-global problems
Andrea Conti - Images of Galois representations
Laura Capuano - On the Pell equation in polynomials
Stefano Barbero - Hurwitz series ring, operations over sequences in rings and binomial type sequences
4th Number Theory Meeting - Torino 2019